030718 – Self-Reporting
Is there any advantage to an organism to be able to report its own internal state to another organism? For that is one of the things that human beings are able to do. Is there any advantage to an organism to be able to use language internally without actually producing an utterance?
Winograd’s SHRDLU program had the ability to answer questions about what it was doing. Many expert system programs have the ability to answer questions about the way they reached their conclusions. In both cases, the ability to answer questions is implemented separately from the part of the program that “does the work” so to speak. However, in order to be able to answer questions about its own behavior, the question answering portion of the program must have access to the information required to answer the questions. That is, the expertise required to perform the task is different from the expertise required to answer questions about the performance of the task.
In order to answer questions about a process that has been completed, there must be a record of, or a way to reconstruct, the steps in the process. Actually, is not sufficient simply to be able to reconstruct the steps in the process. At the very least, there must be some record that enables the organism to identify the process to be reconstructed.
Not all questions posed to SHRDLU require memory. For example one can ask SHRDLU, “What is on the red block?” To answer a question like this, SHRDLU need only observe the current state of its universe and report the requested information. However, to answer at question like, “Why did you remove the pyramid from the red block?” SHRDLU must examine the record of its recent actions and the “motivations” for its recent actions to come up with an answer such as, “In order to make room for the blue cylinder.”
Not all questions that require memory require information about motivation as, for example, “When was the blue cylinder placed on the red cube?”
Is SHRDLU self-aware? I don’t think anyone would say so. Is an expert system that can answer questions about its reasoning self-aware? I don’t think anyone would say so. Still, the fact remains that it is possible to perform a task without being able to answer questions about the way the task was performed. Answering questions is an entirely different task.